

FA Magdeburg GmbH – Germany

FA-Magdeburg GmbH is a private German training company located in Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt. As a continuous education provider, we are committed from the beginning of our establishment to ensure the exchange of practical knowledge and skills according to advanced technical developments and market requirements.

The many years of successful teaching activities national and international, in German language and English, for different target groups, especially for VET schools, employees of the state government and employees in industry, has helped to make our training center active in the market. We are active also as practice partner in dual VET system in Germany in IT field. The focus of our activities is the improvement of knowledge and skills in the practical handling of the PC technology, operating systems, networks, Internet, media development, office equipment and user programs in office administration and management. We have expertise in modern teaching methods like virtual classroom usage, e-learning and e-book development, wiki. We have experience in different types fund raising and project management.
In this context, we are always trying to adapt to all the needs of our customers and also to respond to individual inquiries. We consider that even the issues and problems of the trainees outside the training sessions may be resolved at the workplace of the respective participant.

In the development and delivery of our modular training programs, we have several year experiences in the education of adults in Saxony-Anhalt and a huge international experience.

The course contents are aimed at further professional qualification and are divided in basic courses, advanced courses and workshops. Our staffs are trainers or specialists with high educational training and have appropriate “Microsoft Trainer Certificates”. Since 1991, our biggest clients include the government of Saxony-Anhalt. We ensure customer training about 150 to 200 days a year. In addition, we provide training on behalf of the German Foundation for International Development for the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation for 7 years to foreign trainees in various professions, as IT professionals, media designers, project management. We have experience in ESF projects and international cooperation.

We organise and host local training activities in different projects, study visits and workshops.

Since 2013, FA-Magdeburg is partner in some international networks.


Rogepa – Romania

Rogepa is a Romanian-German company focusing on adult education. We provide authorized training in different domains as following: training of trainers, foreign languages, ICT, CNC, curriculum development, entrepreneurship, project management, commerce, e-learning, web design, tourism and food services, hairstylist, construction, wood processing, business management, quality management, key competencies.

Between the years 2016 and 2017 we had 460 trainees.

Together with our collaborators, we have the expertise to organize national and international events, development of curricula and teaching aids, and manage European projects.

We also help small and medium companies in the development and modernization of training processes.

For a number of years, we have been providing Web Design, Graphic design and Web Development services through our Graphic Design department.

We maintain good working relationships with other national institutes of education, city halls from our region, local councils, and several professional associations.


DİDİ – Turkey

For a Better World is a non-profit, non-governmental organization.

The main purpose of our association is to carry out studies to make the world we live in a better place. These studies are generally in the form of local, national and international projects, trainings, conferences, aid organizations, social cultural relations. One of the main objectives is to carry these studies from a local to an international dimension. The For a Better World association was established by experts in the field in order to take a more active role in the European dimension. For a Better World members are experts in their fields. Each member has high level experience in terms of European Union projects. For a Better World is an association operating in the field of adult education. All of the members of the association have performed adult education or are still involved in these activities. Our association provides adult language trainings (English, Spanish, German, Russian and Urdu), basic ICT courses, advanced software courses (Htlm, Aspx), augmented reality and virtual reality, cyber security, web 2.0, web 3.0, handicraft courses. In addition, all of these courses are free and applied to disadvantaged groups. Our target audiences consist of disadvantaged groups between the ages of 25 and 75. Our target audience is adults who have not been able to develop themselves digitally, people who are deprived of their profession, especially women, housewives. Some of the groups we apply development studies to are also immigrants. It carries out studies to help immigrants integrate into the country. For a Better World association deals directly with environmental issues. One of the aims of the establishment is to bring holistic solutions to environmental problems. Our association also examines the issue of recycling from an environmental perspective. It carries out activities related to the environment and carries out local, national and international projects.

For a Better World association has 30 registered members.

These members are actively involved in all studies. In addition, our association has 150 volunteers. 35 of these volunteers are university students. Most of these students are studying at Adnan Menderes University. Some of them are from Aydın and continue their education in other provinces. Again, 50 of our volunteers are retired teachers or government employees. These are people who have finished their active working life but do not want to break away from society and life. 20 of our volunteers are Syrian immigrants. They have taken lessons from the members of our association before and they provide the relations between the immigrant mass and our association. In addition, these people contribute to the integration processes of other immigrants and become the focus of solution for the problems they experience. In addition, they help those who have language problems, especially in official transactions.
For a Better World association voluntarily participates in the project activities of all nongovernmental organizations and official institutions operating in our province. It voluntarily participates in the promotion and dissemination activities of all organizations carrying out the project and provides support to all organizations in both physical and social media. Since our association provides access to all segments of the society, it performs the dissemination work at the best level.
All participants of our association work on a voluntary basis. Our association has no paid staff or members. The entire workflow is carried out on a voluntary basis. Members of our association gladly participate in activities and enjoy doing these activities. The organization of our association consists of experts from the main branches gathered under the shadow of the president. 7 of the members of our association work in the management department, including the president. In addition, different people lead different areas under the sub-titles. The social relations leader is naturally the president of the association. It establishes and egulates relations with all official institutions and informal organizations. The youth affairs leaderis involved in all youth activities local, national and international projects. Adult education leader is also an instructor at Efeler Adult Education Center. It deals with both the content and the conduct of all formal or informal training. The refugee affairs leader establishes and maintains relations with all refugees living in our province. The promotion and dissemination leader carries out the dissemination of all project activities and manages the social media tools of the association.


IED – Greece

The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) is a Greek NGO committed to the promotion of innovation and the enhancing of the entrepreneurial spirit. By recognizing entrepreneurship as a crucial factor for the development and cohesion of societies, IED conducts research and is in a position to provide innovative solutions that facilitate the growth of healthy entrepreneurship and promote employment.

In order to achieve this goal, the institute adopts an anthropocentric approach and cooperate with social, academic and business partners from Greece and abroad, aiming at producing and transferring know how, promoting entrepreneurial culture and enhancing the effectiveness and viability of enterprises.

Over the 17 years of our activity, we have participated in the planning, implementation, and dissemination of more than 200 National and European projects. Our experience gave us a unique insight in the practical aspects on the implementation of large-scale co-funding projects, making us a strong and reliable European project partner and leader.

ITA-ISTEC – Portugal

ITA-ISTEC is a Higher Education Institute and a VET Provider (Level 5 EQF) that provides courses exclusively in the area of information technologies and with intent to contribute to the valorisation of the technological potential of our country’s human resources, granting a level of higher education oriented towards the exercise of a job in the areas of computing and multimedia.

Hence, there is a training offer that does not end in the degrees of Computer Engineering and Multimedia Engineering (Level 6 EQF) but includes seven Professional Technical Courses (Level 5 EQF), such as Computer Networks and Systems; Mobile Devices Development; Multimedia Product Development; Management Informatics; Design and Multimedia; Software Development and also Cybersecurity. Most importantly, it has a post-graduate offer, namely the postgraduate in Virtualisation and Cloud Computing and a Master Degree in Computer Science (Level 7 EQF) with two branches (one for Cloud Computing and one for Mobile Devices and Multimedia). Actually, and in line with the institutional strategy on training offer and with its mission, the aim is “to ensure the permanent update of the contents” as well as the training offer in computer science and multimedia, broadening the training offer with this cycle of advanced/ specialised training courses in emerging areas, aiming to meet the guidelines of the European reference framework and the needs of the business fabric, institutional and organisational, in national and international terms.

ITA-ISTEC has also a responsibility in the innovation and research ecosystems, based on the existing experience of the Department of Studies and Research in Information and Society Technologies, which has been in ISTEC since 2006 (converted into a Research Unit in January of 2020), embodied in the scientific journal Kriativ-Tech.

Lodz Chamber of Industry and Commerce (LCIC)

Lodz Chamber of Industry and Commerce (LCIC) is a private, non-profit self – government institution based in Lodz, Central Poland. The Chamber serves as a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experience and contacts between enterprises to boost business opportunities. It was reactivated in 1990 and now associates 400 companies from the region. The majority of members come from the textile and construction industry and are primarily small and medium enterprises. The statutory aim of the chamber is supporting entrepreneurship spirit in the region. Therefore, the Chamber actively supports people to help them start their own businesses by grants, coaching and training. These trainings consist of topics like creating business plans, law and taxes, marketing etc. Secondly, the chamber organizes different activities for existing entrepreneurs and employees from the region – they are connected with training on soft skills, management but also tackle advanced topics like law, taxes, and transfer prices.

Chamber has been involved in various projects connected to entrepreneurship in the region and nationwide, as well as internationally. National projects are mainly related to providing support for starting and running a business and also for the lifelong learning process by subsidizing training for SMEs – with a special emphasis on digitization. The Chamber’s international activities are manifested in the organization of foreign missions for chamber members, establishing contacts with representations of other countries, but also through participation in projects financed by EEA and Norway grants and Erasmus Plus.


„Alexandru Domşa” Technological High School is not only a provider of education but also one of the most important providers of vocational training in Alba County. The training offer is diverse, comprising 10 accredited / authorized qualifications, for high schoolers: telecommunications technician, ICT technician, mechatronics technician, mechanic maintenance and repair technician, electrical and electronics technician, and for vocation education: car mechanic, electromechanical machinery and industrial installations, modelling, operator in numerical control machines.

In 2013, the German Vocational School Alba was founded as a new structure of our organization, a public-private partnership including the Alba County Council, the Alba County School Inspectorate, „Alexandru Domşa” Technological High School together with six companies in the area. The German School operates in a dual system, with economic partners supporting the funding and practical training of a large number of students.
Our school has as its main objective the professional and personal training of the students so that they develop skills and competences required by the current world of work and would ease their access to the labour market.
We have reliable partners in the local businesses, with whom we have concluded long-term partnership contracts. They provide quality training in a real work environment, on real equipment, for a significant number of students during the weeks dedicated to practical training for students studying in the dual system. Their involvement in the life of our organization is important, ranging from material support of the students, contribution to the development of our classes and training laboratories and the tailoring of the learning material. The rest of the students, however, rely very much upon the existing equipment in the school lab.

There is an important gap between the high level of technological development of the economic operators (working with complex mechatronic systems in their production lines) and the outdated technologies available in our school. The lack of modern specific and updated equipment and software necessary to support the practical activities is rightly felt as a weaker point by students and teachers and subject for constant improvement for the school’s management team. However, in the day-to-day practice, but also during the implementation of European projects, the teaching staff has proven the ability to adapt to the demands of direct and indirect beneficiaries of the education process (students, economic partners etc), promoting various educational practices, updated and in line with the 21st century level of expectation. Our teachers have put into practice creatively, though with modest means, innovative methods and techniques in order to achieve more exciting and attractive lessons for our students. Understanding our students’ need for training with view to their integration onto the increasingly competitive labour market is ensured by the close ties established with local companies; these links include cooperation between companies and teachers for the development of a local curriculum.

Institute of Education and Culture Črnomelj – Slovenia

Zavod za izobraževanje in kulturo Črnomelj (ZIK) je edina organizacija za izobraževanje odraslih in osrednja kulturna institucija v Beli krajini. Smo netržno usmerjen javni zavod z 20 zaposlenimi, ki dosega približno 3/4 prihodkov na podlagi uspešnih prijav na javne razpise oziroma pozive.

Zavod izvaja dejavnosti v okviru dveh organizacijskih enot: Enota Ljudska univerza in Enota Kulturni dom. Naše poslanstvo vključuje vseživljenjsko učenje, ki združuje tako izobraževanje kot tudi kulturo, za vse in za vsakogar brez omejitev in predsodkov. Ustvarjamo vzpodbudno okolje za učenje, razvoj kulturnega programa ter razvoj lastne umetniške ustvarjalnosti. Ukvarjamo se z razvojem novih izobraževalnih programov za različne ciljne skupine, svetovanjem odrasli populaciji, organizacijo kulturnih dogodkov, razvojem raznovrstne kulturniške ustvarjalnosti med mladimi, spodbujanjem in obujanje kulturne in zgodovinske dediščine domačega kraja. Prav tako smo tudi osrednji kinematograf v Beli krajini. Vključujemo se v evropske projekte, ki spodbujajo razvoj človeških virov in zagotavljajo pridobivanje novih znanj ter kompetenc na različnih področjih v našem okolju.

Financirano s strani Evropske unije. Izražena stališča in mnenja so zgolj stališča in mnenja avtorja(-ev) in ni nujno, da odražajo stališča in mnenja Evropske unije ali Evropske izvajalske agencije za izobraževanje in kulturo (EACEA). Zanje ne moreta biti odgovorna niti Evropska unija niti EACEA.