Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility in Vocational Education and Training (VET) December Newsletter Spreading the Word: CSV4VET Across Europe! The CSV4VET project continues to gain momentum as our partners lead impactful dissemination activities across partner countries. From interactive workshops and outreach events, we are engaging educators, trainers, organisations, enterprises, and […]
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We look forward to seeing you again at the 2nd Face To Face transnational follow-up MEETING to Create Shared Value in Larissa, Greece on May 24th, 2024. This time our host is the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development – JOIST. Create Shared Value for VET The aim of the meeting is […]
Our Learning and Training Activity in Lisbon was successful. Our qualification as CSV ambassadors can be considered very good, because all partners have actively contributed to the success of the LTA through their interesting presentations. A particularly warm thank you goes to our host organization ISTEC Lisbon. We learned about […]
Our first face-to-face meeting in Magdeburg was very constructive. Everyone involved had analyzed the upcoming tasks and made various suggestions for a solution. We were able to start detailed planning for the WP in our Trello board. Our reference guide is also more structured and the topics are divided among […]
The first Learning, Teaching and Training Activity for the Create Shared Value Project took place in between December 2022 and January 2023 virtual in Magdeburg – Germany. FA-Magdeburg was the host of this meeting in 6 languages, which reunited partners from 7 different countries – 8 partners. Skype was connecting […]